#LaçoHillary #Laco3marias #SuelenTresMarias Girls from heaven, look at this beautiful thing! ???? I hope you love it, just like I do ❤️???? ???? Materials Grosgrain ribbon n5 (25 or 22mm) Grosgrain ribbon n 2 (7 or 10mm) for finishing Scissors, needle, thread, hot glue, 3.5cm duckbill or 4cm Pearls or glass (optional) Don't forget to join our group on Facebook, tomorrow I'll be making a video there teaching you how to use pearls and glass ---- Follow our social media ---- ❤️Instagram: / laco3marias ???? Facebook: / laco3marias ---- Join our groups ---- ????Whats Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bvx90f1jwwE... ????Facebook Group: / 2344313545621540 ????Email for partnerships: TresMariasFSM @gmail.com Address: Rua José Lopes nº76, Cordeiros - Itajaí- SC