If you are thinking of studying 3D animation, a good option is to do so through vocational training. Here you can see all the information about the Higher Degree in 3D Animation, Games and Interactive Environments: requirements to access the training cycle, what you will learn, modules, career opportunities, job prospects and approximate salaries of a higher technician in 3D animation, games and interactive environments. More information here: https://infoeducacion.es/grado-superi... You may be interested in: Jobs related to video games: https://infoeducacion.es/trabajos-rel... How to be a video game tester: https://infoeducacion.es/como-ser-pro... How to be a video game programmer: https://infoeducacion.es/como-ser-pro... Degree in video game design and development: https://infoeducacion.es/carreras-uni... Distance learning courses: https://cursos.infoeducacion.es/busca... 0:42 Requirements 1:13 What will you learn? 2:27 Subjects 3:13 Career opportunities 3:42 Employment data 5:03 Video game salaries