⭐️⭐️⭐️ Embark on a unique journey above the skies of Campos do Jordão as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of this charming city. In this moving video, we offer a breathtaking perspective of the majestic mountain landscape, the charming city streets, iconic landmarks, historical landmarks and vibrant culture. It will be hard not to fall in love with the natural beauty and charm of Campos do Jordão. ???? Congratulations to the people of Campos do Jordão, congratulations to Campos do Jordão on this sublime date. Chapters: 00:00 Opening 01:22 Introduction 03:52 Tuberculosis 07:22 Railroad 09:18 Tourism and Culture 09:24 Lajeado Lookout 10:17 Beer Park 10:31 Amantikir 11:13 Blue Trout Fishing Spot 11:50 Vista Chinesa Lookout - Belvedere 12:38 Welcome to Campos do Jordão 13:33 Campos do Jordão Portal 14:16 Vila Abernéssia (Shopping Center) 14:39 Abernéssia Train Station 15:06 Municipal Market 15:30 Bandeira Square 15:55 Municipal Stadium / Sports Center 17:25 Sta. Terezinha Main Church 18:20 Monastery of the Benedictine Sisters 19:13 Boa Vista Palace 20:44 Claudio Santoro Auditorium / Felícia Leirner Museum 21:39 Vila Jaguaribe 22:45 Dr Domingos Jaguaribe School Group 23:30 Our Lady of Health Church 24:05 Woodcut House Museum 24:31 Architecture 27:06 Traditional Hotels 27:17 Grand Hotel 28:22 Hotel Toriba 28:57 Hotel Vila Inglesa 29:59 Historic Capivari 31:28 Tourist Capivari 31:33 Capivari Park 32:04 Elephant Hill / Cable Car 33:18 Church of São Benedito 34:00 More about Vila Capivari 35:35 Tennis Club 36:22 Vila Holandesa Condominium 36:58 Ducha de Prata 37:34 Hotel Mont Blanc 38:38 Home Green Home 39:02 Quatre Saisons 39:24 Itapeva Peak 41:26 Bendito Cacao Resort & Spa 42:01 Minalba 43:10 Recanto do Fojo Plant 44:12 Lagoinha Park 45:39 State Park - Horto Florestal 46:12 150th Anniversary Celebration - Final Part ???? Want to get in touch with ALTITUDE IMÓVEIS? ☎️ (12) 3664 2238 - Ana Paula - ADMINISTRATIVE ???? (12) 9.9662-1070 - OUR WHATSAPP ???? TALK TO US BY CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW: https://web.whatsapp.com/send?phone=5... ???? Want to speak directly to Luciano? ???? WhatsApp: (12) 9.9788-2791 ???? EMAIL: [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________ ???? OUR MONTHLY LIVE BROADCASTS - https://abre.ai/jRBZ ???? WALKING TOUR WE HAVE ALREADY RECORDED • ???????? WALKING TOUR IN CAMPOS DO JORDÃO https://abre.ai/jRBX _____________________________________________________________________ ???? VISIT THE ALTITUDE REAL ESTATE OFFICE WHEN YOU ARE IN CAMPOS DO JORDÃO. ???? Avenida Doutor Januário Miraglia, 2828 - Vila Jaguaribe Campos do Jordão - SP ZIP Code: 12467-014 ???? Use WAZE to drive to Altitude Imóveis Real Estate in Campos do Jordão. ???? https://waze.com/ul/h6gzwdy270 ???? Use GOOGLE MAPS to drive to ALTITUDE IMÓVEIS ???? ???? https://maps.app.goo.gl/HBDGSMeftxHoK... _______________________________________________________________ ???? Want to speak directly to Luciano? ???? WhatsApp: (12) 99788-2791 ???? Want to see real estate opportunities in Campos do Jordão? ???? http://www.altitudeimoveis.com.br ???? ???????? LISTEN TO OUR PLAYLIST ON SPOTIFY - ➡️ https://spotify.link/Po2JUHioSJb ➡️ Do you like our work and want to follow us on other media? ???? Instagram: / altitude_imoveis ???? Facebook: / altitudeimoveis ???? LinkedIn: / luciano-l. . ???? TikTok: @luciano.broker ???? Rate or see how customers are rating our services on Google: ⭐️ https://g.page/r/Cb3Rid4XOjCFEAI/review ???? Want to know what equipment we use in our videos? ➡️ DRONES: DJI MAVIC AIR 3 - DJI AVATA ➡️ STABILIZER: OSMO MOBILE 3 or 5 ➡️ CELL PHONE: IPHONE 14 PRO MAX - 256GB ➡️ MICROPHONE: RODE WIRELESS GO II ➡️ EDITING PROGRAM: KINEMASTER/CAPCUT PRO ➡️ INSTA 360 CAMERA ________________________________________________________ The altitude imóveis team thanks your audience and if you like our work, consider subscribing to our youtube channel to be notified every time we post new content. share this channel - / @altitudeimoveis #altitudeimoveis #camposdojordão #highstandardrealestate #mountainhouse #realestatevideos #mountainhouse #highstandardrealestate #realestateincamposdojordao #decoration