In this live video, I'll have a chat with you about fear of loss... a big and important phase and emotion on your path in the twin soul process. 🌀 I'll tell you where it can come from, 🌀 what it has to do with your twin soul process 🌀 and how you should deal with it. 🌀 I'll also show you how fear and fear of loss work in the form of frequencies 🌀 and how you can work on it with frequencies. Tune in and take your inner healing a step further! ✨ Do you want to take your development into your own hands now, catapult yourself and your inner growth forward? Then let's find out together in my Frequency Check In Call whether and how frequencies from the Healy can support you on your path! To do this, book an appointment with me here: https://calendly.com/healycheckin/che... The call is a commitment to yourself and your journey! I'm giving you these 30 minutes for free - but please only book it if you really want to take off and follow your twin soul path straight and sharp! 🌀 If you haven't seen it yet, watch my video on raising vibrations: • 🌀 What are the vibrations that we ... 🌀 or all other videos on frequencies in the twin soul process: • The healy & frequencies as support for... If you want to find out more about the Healy and its areas of application than I have told you here today, you have various options: 💞 Come to our Telegram channel, Twin Soul Frequency Experience: https://t.me/DS_Frequenz_Experience 💞 Check out @dualseelen-nordlicht and @dualseelenvergissmeinnicht - they also have information about the use of frequencies in the twin soul process for you 💞 You can watch more of our videos on frequencies in the twin soul process: • The healy & frequencies as support for... 💞 You can also find general information about the Healy on my website: https://www.dualseelenkompass.de/freq... Let's turn the duality in dual soul karma inside out and move forward at speed, or be as fast as the universe and your soul can create their own harmony and alignment! Many greetings and see you soon! Caro 💞 #dualsouls #soulpartner #karma #karmiclearningtasks #dualsoulsandfrequencies #dualsoulsandhealy #soulcycle #innerwork #soulwellness #soulhealing #acceptance #lettinggo #settingboundaries #fears #joyoflife #innergrowth #frequencies #healy #lettinggo #heartperson #dualsoulcompass #expandingconsciousness #qualityoftime #self-efficacy #fear #fearofloss