CA0060 💎CONDOMINIUM NOSSA FAZENDA ▶️ 5,400 m2 of land House with 02 suites 02 bedrooms with definitive view Pool heater Adult and children's pool Gourmet space with barbecue Gas sauna 07 bathrooms Guest house with 02 bedrooms External suite Screened soccer field Corral Kennel Chicken coop Orchard Vegetable garden Great topography All lawn Definitive view! Sale price: R$ 2,500,000.00 Condominium: R$ 966.61 monthly IPTU: R$ 2,227.34 annually *Consult the broker as values may change. 📲 Appointments (31) 98258-2970 #realestate #luxuryrealestate #luxuryrealestate #reels #condominiumhouse #condominium #ourfarm #site #house #home