The chicks The chicks say, peep, peep, peep when they are hungry when they are cold The hen searches, the corn and the wheat give them food and give them shelter Under their two wings, curled up until the next day the chicks sleep When they get up they say, mommy, I'm very hungry, give me some worms. Children's songs, Vaca Lola, ChuChuWa, Los Pollitos, la gallina turuleca, pio pio, cucu sang the frog, children's songs for children, children's music, children's songs in Spanish, music for children, songs for children, songs for children, children's songs in Spanish for children, videos for children, songs for babies, mix children's songs, jj, chuchuwa chuchuwa songs, chuchuwa song, children's songs, children's music, chu chu ua, chu chu wa, children's song, music for children, chuchugua, chuchuwa chuchuwa chuchuwa wa wa, shushuwa, chichigua, chuchuwa wa wa, chuchu wa, chuwa chuwa, la vaca lola