Shoepicky is a channel dedicated to finding and presenting discounts at various stores in the United States. From the Texas valley, the channel creator shares his passion for finding the best deals and teaches his audience how to effectively compare prices to resell products online. Using platforms such as eBay, Mercari, Poshmark and Goat, he offers a practical and accessible approach for those interested in e-commerce. With weekly updates on Wednesdays and Saturdays, Shoepicky becomes a valuable resource for those who want to maximize their profits through reselling. Each video is designed to guide viewers through the buying and selling process, ensuring they can make the most of the opportunities in the market. Followers are expected to enjoy the content and benefit from the practical advice offered. Facebook Group / 473443491601711 FOLLOW ME HERE ↓ ✓INSTAGRAM: / shoepicky ✓TikTok: / shoepicky ✓Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... #trending #shoepicky #flipping #outlet #sneakerheads #tendencias #estilo #vida