This week we rotated through the gastroenterology area at the Moscoso Puello hospital. We were divided into areas: Liver, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Inpatient Ward, and Inflammatory. We were able to see many endoscopies, most of which are performed with a local anesthetic (Lidocaine), which is not very effective since patients feel great discomfort during the procedure. Patients with upper and lower digestive hemorrhages arrived in the inpatient area. In the liver area, they taught us about the different hepatitis tests and how to know the status of a patient based on their results. For now, this is the hospital that I have liked the most. Social networks📲: --Instagram: / paulinobea Camera: iPhone 11pro📸 #medicine #medicalstudent #vlog #hospitals #pulmonology #dominicanrepublic #studymedicine #studymedicinedominicanrepublic #aweekwithme #doctor #covid19 #medicalclasses #whatistheweekofamedicalstudentinahospitalslike #unibe #iberoamericanuniversity #santodomingo #plazadelasaludhospital #internship #rotations #medicalcareer #facultyofmedicine #internship #doctorindominicanrepublic #iwanttostudymedicine #spirometry #plethysmography #medstudent #medicalvlog #howtostudymedicine #dominicandoctor #nursing #thelifeofadoctor #thelifeofamedicalstudent #iwanttobeadoctor #whitecoat #batablanca #santodomingo #dominicanrepublic