⭐️ Merlines of my heart and my entire soul ⭐️ because the classics never die, a new edition of EATING A WEEK ON 25 PESOS! arrives, MEXICO CITY version and if you're wondering, well I think I think I think it was even cheaper than in my beautiful Oaxacan. I don't know, you guys help me disprove that haha what did you think of the purchases, didn't we do super mega well!? I think my favorite dish was JAJAJAJA well yes they love it jajajaja ???? ???????? TIENDITA MERLIN ⭐️ ???? https://connymerlin.com/ ________________________________________________________ SOCIAL NETWORKS ???? ????INSTAGRAM / conny_merlin ???? FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... ________________________________________________________________ ⭐️ Become a member of this channel to enjoy benefits: / @connymerlin