PDF of the class: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ahKN... **Subscribe now to the most complete mathematics course for military preparation! ** http://hotm.art/paulopereira Get to know ZeroHum College and Course https://www.colegioecursozerohum.com.br/ Get to know the units Nova Iguaçu - RJ (21 99213-0488) Galeão - RJ (21 98566-6001) Ramos - RJ (21 21 99811-1819) Freguesia - RJ (21 21 3269-5241) Maricá - RJ (21 3731-1057) Olaria - RJ (21 3593-7790) Penha - RJ (21 2230-6681) Fortaleza - CE (85 98133-5031) Natal - RN (21 99659-3033) Madureira (21 99989-8238) Become a member of the channel! Help Equaciona stay active and earn exclusive rewards! / @equacionamatematica In this video, professor Paulo Pereira gives a class with exercises on notable products and factorization PDF of the class: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wCN...