In the magical village of Shining Star lives Iwa, who feels that she does not have her place among the hard-working elves. When a great snowstorm approaches, Iwa discovers her talent for organizing the village and uniting the inhabitants in difficult times. The fairy tale tells about the power of cooperation, courage and discovering one's own abilities. It is a warm, winter story that will delight children and transport them to a world full of magic and adventure. ✨ A new bedtime story every day ❄️ Audiobook perfect for falling asleep in a winter scenery 🧝 Magical fairy tales about courage and cooperation 🎧 Listen to the most beautiful bedtime stories for the youngest Help us develop the channel 🔔 Subscribe to our channel to enjoy new fairy tales every day 👉 / @bajkoprzygody 🔔 👍 Reward the videos with a thumbs up 👍 ❤️ Reward with hearts in the comments ❤️ #bajkanadobronac #bajkidosluchania #bajkipopolsku #słuchowisko #słuchowisko #audiobook