In Batu Karas, one of Indonesia’s magnificent coastal towns, we embarked on an unforgettable surfing adventure with the wind at our back! In this video, we were introduced not only to the waves but also to the warm hospitality of the Indonesian people. To reach Batu Karas, we hitchhiked a short distance to feel the local spirit of the region. This 20-minute journey gave us the chance to see both the friendly conversations of the passers-by and the natural beauties of the region up close. When we arrived at the surf town, we stopped by a local restaurant to fill our stomachs. The warm atmosphere and delicious food of the restaurant increased the energy of our journey. While chatting with the owner of the restaurant during the meal, she told us that it would be difficult to set up a tent in the region and caught us completely off guard. But then she did something that surprised and delighted us: She arranged a room like a mosque for us to spend the night, and she did it completely free of charge. It is difficult to describe this incredible hospitality of Indonesia in words! The next day, it was time to meet the world-famous waves of Batu Karas. The excitement of trying surfing for the first time was combined with occasional falls, but every moment was both fun and educational. In the video, we share with you the enjoyable challenges of learning to surf and the beauty of Batu Karas beaches. ???? What will you find in this video? • A journey to Batu Karas beach in Indonesia • Pleasant memories of hitchhiking • The warm atmosphere and flavors of local restaurants • The story of meeting Indonesian hospitality • The excitement of surfing for the first time and the waves of Batu Karas If you are interested in adventures full of nature, sports and culture, then this video is for you! The memories we had in Batu Karas were an unforgettable experience in terms of both travel and humanity. Don't forget to check out our video, comment and like it! You can also subscribe to our channel to be informed about our new adventures. Enjoy watching and good waves!