Welcome to another week of our house construction. Today we are going to continue working on the interior, this time placing XPS Extruded Polystyrene sheets on the slab to achieve excellent thermal insulation, as we are following passive house criteria to achieve the greatest energy savings and efficiency. The insulation we have placed is two layers of 8 cm XPS each (there were no 16 cm sheets). But before we can install the insulation on the floor, we must finish placing the asphalt blanket or anti-radon sheet, sealing all the singular points well. We also complete a little the explanation of what radon is, where it appears, how to avoid it and what the current regulations say about construction in places with the potential presence of radon. I also leave you here the link to the website of the Nuclear Safety Council where the radon map in Spain appears https://www.csn.es/mapa-de-zonificaci... _________________________________________________ Beyond Curious Videos about the construction of our house with our own hands without having any idea of construction. List of videos about the construction of our house: • Video / beyondcurious_yt www.beyondcurious.es If you liked the content, leave us a Like or consider Subscribing! Thanks! _________________________________________________