VIP COMMANDS Group on WhatsApp ???? https://www.engehall.com.br/comandos-vip ⚡️ FREE CLASS: How to Do a Complete Electrical Installation from Scratch, Easily, Even if You Are Not a Professional Electrician: ➽ https://eletr.co/aula?utm_content=yt1... ------ ???? FAAALA ENGEHALL COMMUNITY ???? Join our community on WhatsApp to receive valuable tips and news in the electrical area, important information and much more. ???? ???? https://eletr.co/fala-eng?utm_content= ------ Did you like this video? ???? ✔️ Leave your comment and share with your friends ✔️ Follow our networks ➽ https://eletr.co/links - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ???? NR10 Course with 20% discount ➽ https://eletr.co/nr10?utm_content=yt1... ------ Hey my electrical friends, welcome to another video in our COMMAND WEEK WITH THE AMBASSADOR series, in today's video we're going to open the game, that's right, we're going to reveal how much we charge to assemble this pump automation panel! Guys, tell me, have you ever lost money assembling a control panel? Have you ever failed to assemble a control panel because you didn't have a price basis for the labor? In this video, I'm going to show you how you should charge for the assembly of any control panel or board, and you'll never have trouble giving this type of quote again. Well, you've seen that making a quote to assemble a control panel isn't rocket science, but you need to know a few tricks to avoid losing money or even losing the job because you don't know how to charge a fair price. Now tell me, yes, Ambassador, I've already used these tricks, or no, Ambassador, I learned them during the week of controls, or if you use other tricks when giving assembly quotes, leave them here in the comments. And for those of you who are waiting for a great opportunity to come along to earn a specialist's salary and be recognized in the electrical industry, I have an invitation for you. We're going to open some vacancies for the 100% Specialist Certification in Electrical Controls, with a very special condition. To access this condition, just click on the link I'm leaving below in the description or in the first comment of this video. You will join a VIP WhatsApp group and there we will give you all the information on how you can be part of this special group. Just don't leave it for later because the places in the VIP Group are limited.