Order LUXSTAHL 8 M with a gift using the promo code: https://luxstahl.com/?promo=DISTILLIE8M When you buy Luxstahl 8 M using this link or the promo code Distillie, you will receive gaskets or a copper RPN as a gift. Brewing Weißbier on Luxstahl8 from a grain set from Solod Khmel Rostov. Beer for beginner brewers from a beginner. Enjoy watching! #Luxstahl8 #Luxstal8 #Moonshine #MoonshineStill #beer #weissbier Malt Hops Rostov: https://www.dirks-bier.ru/solodovij-n... My VKontakte channel page: https://vk.com/distillie Instagram: / If you are interested in the questions: how to drive #moonshine, what is the selection of heads, tails, body of distillate, how to make moonshine at home, how is #distillate better than rectified spirit, how to make mash from apples, #moonshine recipes, fruit mash? And also, what #yeast to choose for moonshine and wine, moonshine purification, how to make mash, what is wort, home distillation, grain moonshine, moonshine from grain, wheat moonshine, malt moonshine, mash from wheat, making mash from starch raw materials? Which #moonshine still is better? And also how to make #polugar, grain wine, #whiskey, scotch, homemade #cognac, liqueurs on moonshine, #calvados, schnapps? How is #grappa, #rakia, #vodka, grain wine, rum, kedrovka, #liqueur made? Why do you need a nozzle, a SPN, a mini #dephlegmator, a #ginbasket, a refrigerator, a #column, a #diopt, a wort kettle, a distillation cube? And finally, what is #Distillation, #moonshine, #hooch, #watermelon, #brew, #homebrewing, #applejack?