IN THIS VIDEO YOU WILL LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT THE ELECTRICAL PART OF A WASHING MACHINE, THE MAIN DEFECTS!!! SUBSCRIBE: https://youtube.com/c/Edersonferrarin... CHANNEL WEBSITE SEE OUR PRODUCT https://claitonana90-placasdegeladeir... PLAYLIST BELOW↓↓↓ WASHING MACHINES: • ???? washing machine does not spin Elec... GAMES: • ???? Xbox One S does not turn on only from the Plim APP APPLICATIONS: • ???? facebook become invisible Messenger o... HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES: • ???? Install a hygienic shower in the bathroom AUTOMOBILES, bike, motorcycle: • ???? how to remove the ceiling light from the Peugeot 206 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/?hl=pt-br Subscribe: https://youtube.com/c/Edersonferrarin... Facebook: / eder.ferrarini.1 WELCOME EVERYONE CHANNEL: EDERSON FERRARINI (I BELIEVE IN YOU !!!)