During the week-long offensive in the Kursk region, Russian troops suffered huge losses. What's more, they currently have little to brag about, Forbes writes. It is noted that the Russian army continues to advance on Ukrainian positions, even though they are failing. Journalists believe that, probably, Russian commanders do not provide their troops and the General Staff with accurate intelligence information about the deployment of Ukrainian troops. Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in reserve, military expert Roman Svitan told more about it. In this video, it is possible to use real footage of Russia's war against Ukraine. The video is not intended to shock or frighten anyone and is purely documentary and informational. The purpose of the content is to document the events of the war started by Russia to occupy Ukraine. #захиднет #свытан #романсвытан #свитан #романсвитан #курск #курск #новыны #новости #войнавукраини2024 #войнавукраине2024 #новыниукраины #новостиукраины #новынионлайн #новостионлайн #свижиновыны #свежиеновости