Get ready for an intense 2025! In this live broadcast, we will explore the energies and predictions of the Orixás that will rule the next year, bringing strength, transformation, and justice to our lives. Iansã arrives with her winds and fire, ready to open paths and promote change. Xangô, with his relentless justice, and Obá, with her resilient protection, will also have a strong presence, guiding us with courage and determination. ???? Want to know how to align yourself with these powerful energies? Participate and discover how to prepare your spiritual life for the new cycle that is approaching. Don't miss it! #Oyá #Yansã #xango #Obá #Live #LiveDeQuinta #CulturaAfroBrasileira #Candomblé #TomOloore #HistoriandoAxé ===================================== OUR CONTACTS ???? https://linktr.ee/tom_oloore ???? (21) 96563-8171 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Be a member of this channel and get benefits: / @historiandoaxe -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=