Facebook ► / bosanskitefericc Teferič is: having fun, having fun, enjoying nature, a trip to nature for the purpose of having fun and entertainment. Teferič also entered our dear sevdalinka - "do you miss Banja Luka, Banja Luka teferič, near Vrbas akšamluk...". The old big teferič was usually held on August 2nd on Aliđun. Famous teferičs that were held in big cities are known throughout our homeland, but also those in villages and hamlets. At teferič, people really 'fattened up', ate, drank and had fun. Oxen, sheep, goats were turned on a spit and the most beautiful songs in the world were sung, sevdalinka were sung. There is a brother and a teferič in his own direction. Working people who always work take advantage of any national holiday or weekend and settle down by a beautiful river, stream and braid themselves on ćevapi, šežnjići and sokići. Someone brings the ball, another chess and the third darts. He has fun, makes friends and makes love. A wedding or getting married is at the same time a solemn act and ceremony, where a woman and a man become spouses: husband and wife (colloquially: husband and wife) and enjoy the rights of a married couple before the law. Marriage is usually followed by a celebration - a wedding or a wedding. Before the wedding, there is usually an engagement. In many cultures, weddings are not limited to a short ceremony but take place over a longer period. After the wedding, wedding rings and rings are exchanged between the newlyweds. Wedding customs, a set of customs related to the act of marriage; in a broader sense, they include all procedures from arranging a marriage to the traditional and/or legal act of marriage and post-wedding events. They are known by all nations and cultures, and they share symbolic and magical actions that connect the future married couple and protect them from evil influences. In our tradition, weddings (feasts, festivities, guests) are the most preferred way of getting married, and wedding customs are very complex and vary regionally. Among the pre-wedding customs, the most important are betrothal and betrothal. Engagement is usually a separate act, with a symbolic content: by taking each other's hands, a young man and a young woman express their decision to marry. During the engagement, the girl receives gifts, most often an apple, money and/or a ring. There are two other acts of similar ritual importance and great antiquity: turning the girl (in the direction of the movement of the Sun) and ringing the girl; they take place at engagements or in other moments of the usual complex, and in some regions ringing has been distinguished as a separate act. Between the engagement and the wedding, a contract was sometimes held, where the two families agreed on gifts, respect, the wedding procedure and wedding participants. The main participants of the wedding are the wedding guests with special duties and titles, and they are joined by the family members of the bride and groom, relatives and guests. keeps the environment happy by gathering the wedding party at the groom's place and their departure to pick up the bride. In the coastal area, the wedding procession moves on foot, in the lowland areas it is preferable to ride in a car, and in the mountainous areas the wedding party rides on horses. The procession stops in front of the closed door of the bride's home, a jocular argument and guessing develops between the leaders of both sides, until the leader of the household orders the bride to be taken out. Not infrequently, a fake bride comes out, that is, older women are offered to the wedding party in funny disguises. The real bride is brought out by a brother or another relative and asks the newcomers to pay for it (bride redemption). In some places, at the moment of taking over, the bride is turned around, symbolically hit, wrapped in a man's raincoat, and certain people say traditional handover formulas. A feast follows, followed by wedding speeches, toasts, singing, playing and dancing, and the performance of humorous scenes intended for entertainment, but also to collect money for the cooks and musicians; it is repeated similarly when the wedding party and the bride return to the groom's home. Gift-giving is common at weddings for both brides and grooms, often accompanied by special speeches and ceremonies. Before leaving, the bride says goodbye to her parents and receives their blessing. The wedding party then goes to the wedding, and after that to the groom's home. In many regions, the departure of the wedding party from the girl's home is accompanied by particularly beautiful songs. The wedding continues at the groom's place with a feast and entertainment. The removal of the bride's wreath is sometimes accompanied by special actions and a song. Changing the headdress (hairstyle and head covering) is a sign of a new, married state. The newlyweds lie down accompanied by one of the wedding guests (eg the best man spreads the bed, the newlyweds or otherwise brings them closer). On the first morning of the wedding, the bride gets up early, sweeps the house, goes to fetch water, presents a spring or a well and pours water on the hands of the wedding party, and they present her with money. At the end of the wedding or shortly after, the bride's parents and relatives visit her new home and the bride or both grooms visit the bride's parents' home.