❗ Go to https://apoya.furor.tv/ and join Furor TV. Julián Macías (@Pandemia_Digital) portrays the financing structure behind the pseudo-media of disinformation. At the event organized by @Madrid_SPM, Julián made it clear that hoaxes are a business that is supported by everyone's money. OkDiario by Eduardo Inda, EDA TV by Javier Negre, esRadio with Jiménez Losantos are some examples of these ultra-publicly funded dissemination spaces. Full days ???????? https://www.youtube.com/live/BB9xAS7m... ????️ 'No Obstante' Podcast: https://linktr.ee/noobstante ???? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/13VXUWQ... ???? Ivoox: https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-no-obst... ???? YouTube: • No Obstante Podcast ????️ ???????? JOIN FUROR TV! ➞ / furortv ???????? SUBSCRIBE HERE! ➞ https://cutt.ly/9IBlRhV *Images provided free of charge by the Journalists' Union. The day was carried out by RebeldStreaming together with Xavier Matas, producer of Furor TV. The subsequent editing and broadcasting was carried out by Aitor González, administrator of FurorTV. Likewise, Ayme Román's podcast 'No Obstante' was broadcast live throughout the day. Our spaces and social networks: ???? Our official networks ➞ https://linktr.ee/furortv ???? Patreon ➞ / furortv ???? Twitch ➞ / furortv ???? Sergio Gregori Channel ➞ https://acortar.link/AyhOmm ???? Ayme Román Channel ➞ https://acortar.link/pb8GDa ????️ Podcast 'No Obstante' ➞ https://linktr.ee/noobstante ???? Twitter ➞ / furortelevision ???? Bluesky ➞ https://bsky.app/profile/furortv.bsky... ???? Instagram ➞ / furortv ???? Facebook ➞ / furortv ???? Website ➞ https://www.furor.tv ???? Email ➞ [email protected] Subscribe and activate notifications so you don't miss anything. #vitoquiles #disinformation #fakenews #publicmoney