All you need to know about a single coil. How to check it with an oscilloscope - Tutorial Operation and electrical verification with an oscilloscope of a single ignition coil with an external power stage. Explanation of the advantages of single coils and the two existing construction types and their operation. Explanation of how the oscilloscope must be connected and what electrical parameters must be measured to verify electrical operation. - Verification of the (+) supply of the coil. Analysis of the oscillogram obtained. - Verification of the primary voltage of the coil. Analysis of the oscillogram obtained. - Verification and analysis of the oscillogram of the primary current of the coil. - Verification and analysis of the secondary voltage oscillogram with a capacitive antenna probe, advantages and disadvantages of this tool. - Verification and analysis of the secondary voltage oscillogram with a high voltage adapter cable and a capacitive measurement kilovoltmeter clamp. We performed the tests with a PICO PQ178 oscilloscope. The product link is here: https://www.miac.es/tienda-producto-v...