A complete tutorial on how to edit videos in CapCut on your PC with a step-by-step guide from basic to advanced so you can create amazing videos! === ✅ Learn how to edit videos on your cell phone in CapCut with a complete step-by-step guide: https://bit.ly/CELLPROCAPCUT ???? How to make automatic subtitles in CapCut: • AUTOMATIC SUBTITLE: How to subtitle a ... Follow me on Instagram too: / guisoares.mp4 === Want to learn how to edit your videos quickly and easily? CapCut is the video editing application that has been gaining more and more users, thanks to its many features and ease of use. In this complete tutorial, you will learn how to edit videos in CapCut directly from your computer. The video begins with an introduction to CapCut, showing its main features and characteristics. Next, the steps to install CapCut on your computer and how to import videos into the application are presented. The tutorial includes a detailed explanation of each editing tool available in CapCut, such as cropping, adding effects, adjusting brightness, contrast and saturation, inserting text, adding music and much more. In addition, you will learn how to export your videos quickly and easily. This tutorial is perfect for those who are new to video editing and want to learn how to use CapCut efficiently, whether for personal or professional video editing. With this tutorial, you will have all the tools you need to create amazing videos and impress your audience. Don't waste any more time and start editing your videos in CapCut right now! Watch this complete tutorial and start creating amazing videos in no time. === #capcut #capcutpc #appcapcut #tutoriaiscapcut #dicasdecapcut #capcutfacil #capcutparacelular #tutoriaisdecapcut #ediçãodevideo #appparaeditarvideo #aplicativocapcut #legendasautomaticas #capcutbrasil #capcutpassoapasso #cursodecapcut #comofazernocapcut #comoeditarnocapcut #cortarvideocapcut #capcutcurso #capcutdicas #mobileeditingcourse #videoeditor #mobileeditor #capcutandroid #capcutiphone