Continuation of our In vivo series dedicated to patients treated in a rehabilitation center in Berck sur mer. After an amputation and the fitting of a prosthesis, the road to rehabilitation is still long for patients. They must learn to use it, to live with it. #health #prosthesis #accident #amputation #disability #reeducation #physiotherapy #sport Find more videos on your health on https://www.allodocteurs.fr/videos/ For more videos, subscribe: / @allodocteurs Testimonials, articles, expert advice on video… Find Allo Docteurs on the Web and on Youtube. Also find the latest news from all our programs on France Télévisions: Le Magazine de la Santé, Monday to Friday at 1:40 p.m. on France 5 Enquête de Santé, on France 5 Prendre soin de vous, on France 2 ➡️ Follow us to find out about your health and discuss the major debates in society without taboo.