How not to cram, but to understand words? How, knowing only one prefix, can you not learn thousands of new words, but simply, knowing the principles of forming new words, use the "German constructor" correctly? Today we will learn how to form words ourselves, knowing only one prefix auf- and almost all of its meanings. The prefix is always separable, which means it is always stressed. The rule "works" 80%, the remaining 20% will still have to be simply crammed ???? However, our 80% will be enough to make the process of learning German easier for yourself. So, let's go! ???????? The prefix auf- indicates: 1️⃣ the direction of upward movement: Aufstehen - to stand up (Ich stehe auf, ich bin aufgestanden) Aufsein - to stand up, wake up Aufflattern - to flutter Auftauchen - to float Aufrollen - to curl upward (e.g. sleeves) aufhängen - to hang Aufgabeln - to hook on a fork Aufschrecken - to flinch in fright Aufsehen - to look up 2️⃣ a downward movement so as to rest against a horizontal surface: Sich auflehnen - to lean (on horizontal handles, for example) Aufschlagen - to hit a horizontal object 3️⃣ provocation and “encouragement”: Aufwiegeln - to incite, to set up Aufputschen - provoke, incite Jn. gegen jn. aufstacheln - to set someone against someone 4️⃣ An action started suddenly: Auflachen - to suddenly laugh Aufheulen - to howl Aufweinen - to cry aufheitern - to cheer up 5️⃣ an open state, "opening": Aufmachen - to open Aufbleiben - to remain open Aufknöpfen - to unbutton a button 6️⃣ placing an obligation, guilt, etc. on someone: Aufbürden - to shoulder Sich (D) a job aufbürden - to shoulder a job A problem aufhalsen - to burden someone with problems Jm etw. aufreden - to instill something in someone 7️⃣ to apply something to something: Aufkleben - to glue Aufheften - to attach with a violin, baste, attach with a pin Aufprobieren - to try on (a horizontal surface, for example: a hat) Aufmontieren - to attach, “mount” Aufbauen - to build on ⭐️ You will find more grammar, new words and life hacks in our other social networks. networks: ???? Instagram: https://instagram.com/deutsch_mit_boz... ???? Telegram: https://t.me/bozenakorn ???? TikTok: @bozena.Korn ???? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/24388... ☀️ You can thank the author with the "superthank you" function, let's save up together for a new app for learning German. Use it in good health! Bozena ???? #bozenakorn, #germanteacher #germanteacher #bozenakorn #deutsch #germanforall #germanforadults #germangrammar