How to Open a MEI 2025 (100% FREE) [IN JUST 4 MINUTES] EASY STEP BY STEP How to Open a MEI #mei #microempreendedorindividual #cesarurtado Link used: https://www.gov.br/empresas-e-negocio... Exclusive area for partners https://www.youtube.com/c/ProfessorCé... HOW TO OPEN A MEI [UPDATED] BY PC AND CELL PHONE In this video you learn how to open a MEI without paying anything, UPDATED by GOV.BR, you open your MEI company by PC and CELL PHONE, Let's do the Opening of your MEI company together?, BE A MICROENTREPRENEUR. Step by Step on How to Open a MEI Today - CNPJ of Individual Microentrepreneur Updated in 2025. Do you want to open a MEI and don't know how it works? To have a MEI, you don't need to pay anything, don't fall for scams on the internet by spending money on something you can have completely free, let's go to the video and I'll explain everything to you. Exclusive area for Channel partners: https://encurtador.com.br/egqrT I'll start by explaining what MEI is? The individual microentrepreneur was created on July 1, 2008 by the federal government that wanted to take workers who were in the informal sector and legalize these businesses and bring the benefits of a CNPJ, and contemplate these people with the security of social security and social security through an affordable amount that they could pay and help them grow economically. But there are some rules for you to opt for MEI, such as: Annual revenue of up to R$81,000.00 You can have up to 1 employee If you want to know more about the rule for hiring employees, search in annex 3 of CGSN resolution 140/2018 and if you still have questions, comment on the channel and I will make a video explaining the subject To be eligible for MEI, you must not be the owner, partner or administrator of another company. And if you fit into some of the MEI economic activity classifications, we will see more about this in the next video. How to open mei 2024, create mei, cnpj mei, open mei online, open cnpj, create cnpj, open mei by cell phone, create mei by cell phone, how to open mei online, how to open mei for free, how to open mei by cell phone, how to open mei without paying anything, open mei step by step, open mei dropshipping, how to open mei by gov.br, how to open mei, mei 2024, cnpj, how to open a mei, microentrepreneur, mei, how to open a mei, make mei, open mei for free, open mei free. How to open mei, mei, how to open a mei, open mei, how to open mei online, cnpj mei how it works, cnpj mei how to open, how to open cnpj for free, how to open cnpj mei, open cnpj, opening mei, how to open mei for free, create mei, free mei opening, how to create cnpj, how to create cnpj mei, create cnpj online, create mei for free, how to open a cnpj mei, open mei online for free, how to open mei for free, how to open mei for free 2022, free mei, microentrepreneur, cnpj, me, pj. how to open mei, how to open a mei, open mei, individual microentrepreneur, open mei 2023, create mei, cnpj mei, open a mei, how to open mei for free, mei opening tutorial, how to open mei 2023, open mei online, step by step mei opening, mei 2023, how to open mei sebrae, how to open a mei step by step, how to open mei online, how to open cnpj mei, mei, create cnpj for free, cnpj opening, mei opening, open mei by cell phone, create mei by cell phone, simei, gov, how to open mei 2023, create mei, cnpj mei, open mei online, open cnpj, create cnpj, open mei by cell phone, create mei by cell phone, how to open mei online, how to open mei for free, how to open mei by cell phone, how to open mei without paying anything, open mei step step by step, open mei dropshipping, how to open mei through gov.br, how to open mei, mei 2023, cnpj, how to open a mei, microentrepreneur, mei, how to open a mei, make mei, open mei for free, open mei free.