Try Premiere Pro and the entire Creative Cloud from Adobe for free for 7 days and let your creativity run wild! To Premiere Pro: https://adobe.ly/4c0YYfh To Creative Cloud: https://bit.ly/CreativeCloudFreerunni... __ World-class parabolic flights in the western German Steinbuch were performed with a catapult-like jump and ignited with up to three rotations over the most peaceful body of water in the world. But even the most peaceful body of water is not safe from being sent into absolute ecstasy by our favorite summer footwear and making it clear to even the last sparrow: The slippers are here!! Wild full sends and rowdy cats await you in this video! Have fun! Shoutout to the participating men: @flyingfloou (IG) @Aqua.Circus __ Click here to go to our online shop: ➜ https://schlappenstore.com/ __ SCHLAPP UP YOUR LIFE - __ Instagram: @freerunningschlappen Freerunning Schlappen: Jan Lange (@jan.schlappen) Etienne Paff (@ette.schlappen) Jasper Appel (@jasper.schlappen) Dwayne Brinkmann (@dwayne.schlappen)