ARCHIVE: https://www.joj.sk/vsetko-co-mam-rad/... WEB: https://www.joj.sk/vsetko-co-mam-rad FB: / vsetkocomamradtvjoj TRANSLATION: I will come out in night with a horse to the field We will go quietly in the dark night We will go together with the horse through the field We will go together with the horse through the field We will go together with the horse through the field We will go together with the horse through the field At night the field is full of the bliss of the stars No one can be seen in the field Only we are going with the horse fields Only we ride the horse through the field Only we ride the horse through the field Only we ride the horse through the field I will mount the horse Carry me across the field Through my endless field Through my endless field Let me have one look At the place where the dawn makes the field Oh, cranberry-colored light, ah, purple dawn Whether the place exists or not Oh, cranberry-colored light, ah, purple dawn Whether the place exists or not My field, the springs The lights of distant villages are visible Golden rye and curly flax I'm in love with you Russia, in love Golden rye and curly flax I'm in love with you, Russia, in love There will be a fruitful year It was different, it will be different Sing, golden rye, sing, curly flax Sing about how I'm in love with Russia Sing, golden rye, sing , curly flax I go with the horse through the field