A Russian ship with valuable cargo sank in the Mediterranean Sea. Initially, it was reported that the ship was sailing to Syria, but the destination turned out to be a completely different place. Read more details on our website: https://www.rbc.ua/rus/news/rosiyske-... ???? All news - on our website https://www.rbc.ua ???????? Read and discuss news on Facebook / www.rbc.ua ???????? Get news first in our Telegram channel https://t.me/RBC_ua_news ????✨ Follow us on Instagram / rbc.ua ????⚡️ Stay up to date with all the latest news in our X https://x.com/rbc_ukraine ???????? Watch our videos and be trending on TikTok / rbcua Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RBCUkraine?...