Scouting new places, checking working points, as well as various baits and equipment. Earning currency and buying various equipment for a comfortable game. Drop by, let's chat. DON'T FORGET TO PUT A THUMB UP AND SUBSCRIBE, IT'S NOT DIFFICULT FOR YOU - WE HOPE IT WILL BE USEFUL, I AM VERY PLEASED. THANKS. Who wants to support, come here - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/denr... Order clips on Stream from 150r Here - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/denr... Fly to our discord channel - / discord # pp4 # fishinggames # russianfishing4 # games # farm # trophy # norway # rusfishing4 # stream # fishing # guide # pp4farm # white # bindweed # komarinka # oldostrog # archipelago # tunguska # volkhov # amber, # quori,