This is the second episode of the new season of the show Stereotypes! Satir, together with Big Russian Boss, Daniel Barnes and Vasant Balanan, roasts national stereotypes in cinema! The hosts and guests discuss quotas for minorities for participation in the Oscars. Which movie is cooler Russian cinema VS American cinema VS Indian cinema? In this episode, the following were in focus: an American, an Indian and a Russian. Today we will find out: Why are Russians always bandits in American films? Why do people in India love Dorokhov? Why do Americans wear shoes at home? What place does the US rank in obesity rates? Why is there such a terrible Russian accent in Hollywood films? Why will Russian cinema never win an Oscar? Enjoy watching!) Satir, Ilya Shabelnikov - the host of the show Azamat Kakhkharov - Uzbek/Armenian Big Russian Boss - Russian Daniel Barnes - American Vasant Balan - Indian For advertising: [email protected]