Make a donation and receive a gift: http://don.storiavoce.com/ The history of Russia is that of many peoples and a multiplicity of territories. In which areas has the Russian state claimed, since its origins, the legitimacy of government? If the construction and affirmation of a country's identity rarely avoid war, can we say that Russia is by nature more belligerent than its neighbors? Do we fight in the same way in Russia and in Europe? Is the Orthodox Church a relay of expansionism? Do the wars of the Soviet Empire obey the same geopolitical logic as those of the tsars? In the case of Russia, there is an absolute necessity to go back to the origins to understand the present. Guest: Pierre Gonneau is a historian, specialist in Russia, professor at Sorbonne University and director of studies at EPHE. He is the author of reference works on Russia: From the Rhôs to Russia. History of Eastern Europe (c. 730-1689) (PUF, 2012, 696 p., €49), History of Russia, from Ivan the Terrible to Nicholas II. 1547-1917 (Tallandier, 2016, 544 p., €24.90), Novgorod. History and Archaeology of a Medieval Russian Republic (970-1478) (CNRS éditions 2021, 248 p., €29), The Russian War. Or the Price of Empire. From Ivan the Terrible to Putin (Tallandier, 2023, 544 p., €26). *** Facebook: / histoireetcivilisationsmag Instagram: / histoireetcivilisations Twitter: / storiavoce