Check out this week's Revista Rural program: Controlling crop pests with our ladybug friend! Everything about growing basil. Cute little pigs, and very small! And how to ensure production with quality seeds. The Revista Rural Program is an electronic version of the magazine, and airs on Sundays at 8:30 a.m., for all of Brazil, through Digital TV, via satellite (SKY), via digital satellite (STAR-ONE 3644.10 MHZ) and through the main pay TV operators (NET channel 188, VivoTV channel 409, Vivo Fibra channel 589, OiTV channel 189, GVT-TV channel 87, NossaTV channel 47 and TV Alphaville channel 66). It is shown on the following channels: REDE TV PARANÁ, AGRO BRASIL TV, C3 TV (formerly CLIMATEMPO BIO), TV MILAGRO BRASIL, REDE NGT, REDE TV SUL, LIFE CHANNEL BRASIL, SOUTV, UNIQUE TV (formerly UrbanTV), STV (Mozambique), and REDE GIRASSOL DE TELEVISÃO (Angola), for Latin American countries through AgroTendencia TV and also on TV REVISTA RURAL on YOUTUBE. Or watch it on the SoulTV, GUIGO apps, on CDNTV, CXTV, or on the Amazon FireTV Stick StreamPlayer.