Breathing is very important and related to life. If you make danjeon breathing a part of your life, you will become healthy, and it will also be of great help in terms of records when running a marathon. For abdominal breathing, make your mouth shape like the letter “ㅇ” and breathe out. Watch the video and apply it to real life. It will be very meaningful. Life is like breathing. If you output more than you input, you will receive more in return. Just as it is better to live a life of giving than receiving, exhaling is more important than inhaling. If you breathe well, you can run well and live a healthy life. I hope you use it well in real life. This was the great marathon runner Seok-geun Jeong. #Running #Health #Diet #Lee Bong-ju #Olympics #Gold Medal #Weight Loss #Health #Athletics #Record #Limit of Speed #Marathon Competition #Fartleg #Circuit Training #2000m #3000m #100m #Police SWAT #Coast Guard SWAT #Firefighter #Special Forces #Physical Test #7 Minutes Perfect Score #Seoul #Korea #Stretching #Hospital #Pharmacy #Blood Circulation #Sleep #Sleep #Fatigue Recovery #Running #Trail Run