Introduction: 1 - Model: Event - Thinking - Emotion - Reaction (Body / Behavioral) - Result; 2 - Having studied this lesson in whole or in part, my task is to take away at least one point for myself and gradually add it to my life (at will). Rules: 1 - it is okay not to please other people, but to live, taking into account both your interests / needs and the interests / needs of loved ones, maintaining balance in this; 2 - it is n. not to meet other people's expectations regarding yourself one hundred percent; 3 - caring for others is important, but caring for yourself is also important (balance); 4 - it is n. that someone may not like me and I may not like someone. And it is okay to endure and be ready to experience even negative emotions in life; 5 - no one can leave anyone at all, since a person is not a thing; 6 - thoughts of loneliness are, first of all, an illusion into which a person puts himself, like into a cage (what if?); 7 - this is n. not holding your partner responsible for your happiness, since no one but me is responsible for my happiness; 8 - this is n. not thinking that the main secret of happiness is true love, which happens only once in a lifetime and which will overcome all the difficulties and obstacles in life; 9 - this is n. wanting to live well and cover your household needs. And it's okay not to force yourself to be proud of your poverty; 10 - this is n. allowing yourself to spend / earn / save money; 11 - this is n. making demands on other people and companies with whom I interact; 12 - this is n. that not all situations in life are controllable by me and there are many things that I cannot influence; 13 - this is n. believing that I do not know everything about this world, and I do not understand everything. I am not omnipotent; 14 - this is n. not being afraid to appear stupid in the eyes of other people and admit your ignorance; 15 - this is n., that the people around me are not perfect and not insignificant. A person is a combination of an infinite number of criteria, and judging by just one of them is not the best idea; 16 - this is n., not to forbid myself from my desires and their realization just because I didn’t succeed the first time; 17 - this is n., that I have no guarantees of maintaining my usual way of life, usual income, usual expenses, usual relationships; 18 - this is n., not to be the most successful in society. And this doesn’t make me bad; 19 - this is n., that other people don’t admire me. This doesn’t make me bad in any way. Devoting my life to searching for admiration is not the best idea. I am quietly doing what I love (what is it?) and living; 20 - this is n., not to play the “I’m better than you” game with other people. And it’s okay not to build relationships with those who play the “I’m better than you” game with me. It is okay not to feel humiliated if someone is “better than me” at something. Each person is a unique set of changing properties. 21 is n. to build trusting and reliable relationships with those people who also put in effort. Any relationship is a contribution from both parties. 22 is n. not to demand constant development from yourself, because I have to prove to myself that I am cool. It is okay to find a place to rest. And it is even okay to do things for no reason, just because I want to. 23 is n. not to roll the barrel on other people, because I consider myself more successful than they are. Each person has a different start. And comparing everyone with the same comb is not the best idea. 24 is n. not to regret what was done / decisions / choices in the past (I should have ... then), because at each moment in time a person makes the best choice from what he had on hand then in terms of his skills, knowledge, understanding. 25 - this is n., that in my life there may be criticism of me, and someone may not like me. This does not make me bad and it does not make the one who does not like me bad. It is normal to choose what I agree with and what I do not agree with; 26 - this is n. to find in myself not only strengths, but also weaknesses. And this does not make me somehow bad. They exist. And this is normal. Forcing yourself to be perfect is not the best idea. Your questions / gratitude / opinion: 1 - via donation: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/seodrum 2 - via comment in Telegram: https://t.me/safin4/ 3 - via chat / comments here, on YouTube Sincerely, Albert Safin