The planets have made a powerful movement that will have a long-lasting impact on the signs. Pluto, which symbolizes change, metamorphosis and rebirth, has moved to Aquarius where it will stay for 20 years. Meri Shehu is invited to "Rudina" on Tv Klan to explain what will happen with this planetary movement and what its meaning is. Meri Shehu: The planet of life and death, the planet of rebirth, of regeneration, the karmic planet that brings powerful events in a somewhat dramatic and extreme way to decide fate, in quotes it seems bad, but if it does not do it in a strong, extreme and powerful way, it cannot bring about major changes, to have this karmic impact on people and for them to receive a powerful message, this is more or less a trend. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was in 1700, coinciding with the creation of the USA, its trajectory around the sun is 248 years, so it stays in the sign for 20 or so years. It will remain in the sign of Aquarius until 2043. Rudina Magjistari: How does it affect Albania in these 20 years? Meri Shehu: It affects world, cosmic reforms, since it is in the sign of Aquarius, the third sign of air, it has to do with humanity, with the change of systems, the hierarchy of power systems that have occurred over the centuries, with human freedoms and rights, reformist ideas, the granting of rights, it has to do with technology, science, major reforms of laws for humanity and progress. Many hierarchical systems in politics or power will change during this period, but in a less dramatic way. #Rudina, a program by the author and moderator #RudinaMagjistari, one of the most watched and beloved shows for the public, offering diverse topics for the whole family. SUBSCRIBE to “RTV KLAN” on YouTube for more videos! #merishehu For more information, visit our website https://tvklan.al/ You can find the latest videos from Tv Klan on the page https://tvklan.al/video/ Follow Tvklan on Facebook: / tvklan Follow Tvklan on Instagram: / rtvklan You can also follow Tv Klan programs on the page https://tvklan.al/programe/