TWITCH / flowpodcast EXITLAG http://bit.ly/ExitLagFlow BECOME A SUPPORTER! https://apoia.se/flowpodcast CORTES DO FLOW / Cortesdoflow FLOW POOP / @flowpoop commercial email: [email protected] --------- RATO BORRACHUDO / broudouglas ------ --- Flow Podcast is a relaxed, long and free conversation, like a bar chat between friends. At Flow we guarantee a space where guests can develop their ideas without any type of agenda or the normal restrictions of other media, such as political/philosophical agendas. ---------- WEEKLY AGENDA ALWAYS ON TWITTER @flowpdc YOU CAN LISTEN TO THE FLOW RECORDING ON OUR WEBSITE: https://flowpodcast.com.br/ DISCORD FLOWERS OF FLOW: / discord ----- ----- HOST: Monark - Twitter @monark Instagram @monarkoficial Igor 3K - Twitter @igor_3k Instagram @igor.3k DIRECTION/PRODUCTION/EVERYTHING ELSE: Gianzão - Instagram @_gianzao Twitter @_gianzao