(Addendum 3) 2019/03/06 Updated my personal best time to 31:08 I found a lot of things and made a lot of changes (Addendum 2) The rules on speedrun.com have been changed so that the timing starts from the moment Link becomes controllable I'll leave the time in this video as it is, but the new time will be 39:54 (Addendum 1) The voice language change added in 1.2.0 will not make it faster It's just a time attack to clear as quickly as possible I'm just going to beat Ganon a bit I don't want the explanation to overlap with the previous video 2017/04/21 Twitch record list is here ↓ http://www.speedrun.com/botw#Any Using the Japanese version of WiiU No Amiibo Almost the same as the one uploaded to NicoNico Video http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31088626