Royal Decree 366/2007, of March 16, establishing the conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination of people with disabilities in their relations with the General State Administration. https://www.boe.es/eli/es/rd/2007/03/... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Link to everything so you don't miss anything: https://linktr.ee/pacobarbie The OPOTIENDA: http://www.OPOTIENDA.COM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VIDEO LISTS ORDERED BY RULES: https://www.youtube.com/@PacoBarbie/p... STUDY TIPS: • Study tips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRIENDLY WEBSITES: MOCHILEROS PODCAST - https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-mochile... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIME STAMPS: 00:00 Start 00:40 Preferred media 01:25 Accessibility to customer service offices 02:30 Location of offices 04:00 Access to offices 05:17 Reception of customer service offices 05:55 Accessible interior signage 08:00 Configuration of customer service stations 10:00 Interactive information system 10:45 Complementary elements 11:15 Accessibility conditions in printed materials 13:15 Farewell