At kilometer 4000 of route 40 I discover a string of small towns that make up San Blas de Los Sauces. Salicas and Andolucas are what I chose to end this tour of La Rioja. There I met Rosa and Enrique who travel around the country in a 1962 Ramblert classic custom. #ruta40 #argentina #larioja #elseñordela48 #andolucas #salicas ????To purchase the Routes Atlas: Instagram @atlasderutas. Or Call 00115937 1959. www.atlasderutas.com.ar ???? BUY CHANNEL MERCHANDISING: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=5... ???? COLLABORATIONS WITH THE CHANNEL FROM ABROAD: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/my/pr... ???? COLLABORATIONS WITH THE CHANNEL FROM ARGENTINA: Mercado Pago CBU: 0000003100055895239349 Mercado Pago ALIAS: gatto2004.mp Santander CBU: 0720453588000035017468 Santader ALIAS: marcelogattolin CUIT/CUIL: 20-18607580-4 ???? FOLLOW THE TOUR ON GOOGLE MAPS: https://goo.gl/maps/SYZUkwATioBuK7xf7 ???? INSTAGRAM / el_senor_de_la_48 ???? CONTACT [email protected] Blogg: https://elsenordela48.blogspot.com/ ???? CHANNEL NAME HISTORY: https://elsenordela48.blogspot.com/20... ►SUBSCRIBE https://cutt.ly/8wnHRoJ Category Travel and events