To shop your box of games and spend evenings filled with laughter, just click here ⤵️: (And don't hesitate to identify @turistuperds_show during your evenings if you laugh you lose!) DUJARDIN: https://www.jeuxdujardin.fr/produit/t... LA GRANDE RÉCRÉ: https://www.lagranderecre.fr/jeux-de-... JOUÉCLUB: https://www.joueclub.fr/jeux-de-socie... With the great SEAN GARNIER! / coach séan garnier https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Subscribe for the next Rounds: / @azizaboudrar The talented AKIM DAMANI: / dahmani.akim Insta: akimdhm WITH MY ACOLYTES: FREDERIC BUKOLE (youtube and facebook): / blackswolf / fredbukole Malik Amraoui: / malik-amraoui-647794582056125 Oumar Diaw: / oumar-diaw-56718215621 THE GUESTS: OTH & KAL: / othetkal OTH'VINES (YouTube and Facebook): / @zatisetyassmine / othvines KALVIN: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?... YOUNES DEPARDIEU (YouTube and Facebook): / depardieu.younes / zigzaoui YOUNES AND BAMBI (facebook) : / younesetbambi SABRI PARISIEN OU RIEN (YouTube and Facebook): / sabriparisienourien / @sabriparisienourien The referee: Bassam Hamadi: / leszindepend. . Warning: Don't hit yourself, don't hurt yourself. Everything we did was supervised by professionals and the place was suitable for the game. THANKS: Video capture and editing: VideoGraphes, https://www.VideoGraphes.fr & https://www.MediaGraphes.fr Cameraman: Maxime Rigaud and Maxime Adler insta: max_et_max SLOW-MOTION shots: Zainab Hamadi: http://www.Zainab.fr Composer MK ZOO (youtube link): / channel Ballon et Equipement URBANBALL: http://www.urbanball.com/ URBAN SOCCER: http://www.urbansoccer.fr/puteaux/ The BOW-TEE brand (T-shirts with bow ties): https://www.BOW-TEE.com