Here is round 3! To shop your box of games and spend evenings filled with laughter, just click here ⤵️ : (And don't hesitate to identify @turistuperds_show during your evenings if you laugh you lose!) DUJARDIN : https://www.jeuxdujardin.fr/produit/t... LA GRANDE RÉCRÉ : https://www.lagranderecre.fr/jeux-de-... JOUÉCLUB : https://www.joueclub.fr/jeux-de-socie... Always with my sidekicks: Frederic Bukole : / fredbukole Malik Amraoui : / malik-amraoui-647794582056125 Oumar Diaw : / oumar-diaw-56718215621 And the girls: Marina Cars : / marinacarshumour Cindy Mostacci : / cindymostacciactu Fairouze Attou & Sandy Ferreira . The referee: Bassam Hamadi: / leszindependants The punching referee: SYLVAIN POTARD: / sylvainpotard Warning: Don't hit each other, don't hurt each other. Everything we did was supervised by professionals and the place was suitable for the game. Thanks: Le Cercle Tissier in Vincennes (MMA, JJB classes, etc.): https://www.cercletissier.com/ The BOW-TEE brand (T-shirts with bow ties): https://www.BOW-TEE.com The funny T-shirt brand Completmnt BARRÈ: http://www.barre-shop.com/ Video capture and editing: VideoGraphes, https://www.VideoGraphes.fr & https://www.MediaGraphes.fr