In the twelfth episode of MF CAST, we have the presence of the interviewee Cledson Garcia, a professional with extensive experience in rural areas. He graduated in Animal Science from Unimar and has several academic titles, including a Master's degree in Animal Production from Unesp Jaboticabal, a Doctorate in Animal Breeding and Nutrition, and a Post-Doctorate from Unesp Botucatu, and is also a SENAR instructor. Cledson's childhood and adolescence were connected to the rural environment, providing him with direct contact with the field since he was young. He currently teaches specialization courses, has a channel on Pro Rural serving producers of different sizes, and teaches courses at SENAR, with the goal of bringing technology to the field. Initially, his career was focused on teaching, education, and research, but he currently dedicates himself entirely to rural extension. During his 25 years teaching at the University of Marília, Cledson trained more than 6,000 students in the areas of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, in addition to another 2,500 students at SENAR. He also traveled to countries such as New Zealand, Scotland and England in search of technologies to improve Brazilian livestock farming, emphasizing the importance of improving livestock farming technology, which has been losing ground to agriculture. In the interview, Cledson discusses the topic of rotational grazing, including its variants, such as fertilized and irrigated grazing. He highlights the benefits of rotational grazing in terms of productivity and financial return. In addition, the expert offers tips on how to start implementing the rotational grazing system, providing a step-by-step guide for interested producers. Check out episode #12 of MF Cast in full for detailed information and insights on rotational grazing and its advantages for the agricultural sector. Host: Roberto Fabrizzi Lucas @robertoflucas and Walter Celani @waltercelanijunior Guest: Cledson Garcia @pro.rural Instagram: /mfcast_ Tiktok: /mfcast_