Rostislav Aliyev talks about the defense of the Brest Fortress: How did the events of the first day of the battle for the fortress unfold? Which units managed to leave the fortress in an organized manner? How many main centers of resistance were there in the fortress? When and how many breakthroughs were organized from the fortress? Until what date did organized resistance continue in the fortress? What was the role of Major Gavrilov in the defense of the fortress? When were the last centers of resistance localized? The leading military historian answers these and other questions! Part one of the video: • Rostislav Aliyev about the defense of the Brest ... Recording of the stream with Rostislav Aliyev: • Rostislav Aliyev answers questions from ... Support our projects: http://tacticmedia.ru/donate/ Tacticmedia on Facebook: / 969981439844492 Tacticmedia Vkontakte: https://vk.com/tacticmedia