Rostislav Aliyev talks about the defense of the Brest Fortress: Who was the first of the researchers to begin studying the battles for the fortress? What was the role of Sergei Sergeevich Smirnov in covering the defense of the Brest Fortress? Why were the troops of the 4th Army of the Western Special Military District in the fortress? How and with what forces did the enemy plan to capture the fortress? What special operations were planned for the rapid capture of the fortress? How did the assault actually begin? The leading military historian answers these and other questions! Continued: • Rostislav Aliyev about the defense of the Brest ... Support our projects: http://tacticmedia.ru/donate/ Tacticmedia on Facebook: / 969981439844492 Tacticmedia Vkontakte: https://vk.com/tacticmedia