This video is part of the album Baile das Máscaras Contact for shows and partnerships: [email protected] Whatsapp (19)98115-4265 Instagram: @bandarosadesaron LAUREAS Bruno Faglioni / Grevão Who was your footsteps on the ground when you couldn't even walk? And annulled yourself for you? Who loved you without a reason? Who doesn't know where you came from How will you know how to get there? Laurels in life are necessary to offer Reciprocate the love while there is time to love! Who held your hand When fear told you: "no!"? And said everything was okay? Who hugged you, tell me Who doesn't know where you came from How will you know how to get there Laurels in life It is necessary to offer Reciprocate the love While there is time to love Before time calls And see what you want most Precisely to become What you can't have Laurels in life It is necessary to offer Reciprocate the love While there is time to love! TECHNICAL SHEET: Rosa de Saron is: Vocals - Bruno Faglioni @brunofaglioni Guitar: Eduardo Faro @eduardofaro Bass: Rogerio Feltrin @rogeriofeltrin Drums: Grevão @grevao Supporting musicians: Guitar: Adriano Mota @adrianoomota Keyboard: Lucas Cunha @lucascunhamc Acoustic guitar: André Cavalcante @andrelrcavalcante Musical production: André Cavalcante @andrelrcavalcante (A Fabrika produções) General direction: JC Nunes @jcnunes_oficial Executive production: Rosa de Saron Production: Pedro Hummel @pedrohummel Cinematographers: Leo Tomacelli - @Itshaka, China Trindade - @chinatrindad, João Marinho - @joaomarinho3 Assistant director: Fabi Nunes - @fabiula.rnunes and Walacce Souza - @wallacesouzajr Audio technician: Ricardo Domingues Costume and makeup production: Bruna Santiago - @blogbrunasantiago Concept and lettering animation: Marcelo Monteiro - @celo.monteiro Catering: Neire Silva