Pousada Dois Rios - 18 98132-6160 Boat trip with José Luís - 18 98111-4527 ✔ We are getting to know each city in Brazil. This time, the Rota 408 tour is through the city of Rosana. We are the 408 Family and we have a dream: To get to know all the cities in Brazil and present them here so that other people can get to know them too. Our story is in the video 3k = • How much we earn from Youtube 3k (3 thousand ... To find out if a city is on the channel, just enter the name of the city and then Rota 408. Follow us on other networks too. Insta - rota.408 Whats - 11 94003-4316 Our channel is simple, lol. The travel project is BIG and BOLD!!! We ask God for wisdom and we continue... With love for the Father and the brothers that He puts in our path. If you are enjoying our content, support us. We need it! ✔ Subscribe to the channel; ✔ Like the videos; ✔ Leave a comment; ✔ Share with your groups! If you can do a little more help: Become a Member! ???? ???? A loving request: Fuel, tolls, vehicle maintenance, etc... Every day the cities are further away from the capital of São Paulo and the cost increases, we need help. We want to show you our Brazil. If you want to help us continue: Our PIX is: [email protected] Our checking account is Bradesco - Ag 2750 Account 22515-0 Name: Cleiton Rodrigues da Silva. We know that there are people who don't like to put their credit card number on the internet in order to become a member. That's why the Pix information is for those who want to support. ???? = Oh, and for those who want to send souvenirs, crafts, etc. You can use the workshop address: Rua Francisco de Sousa Queiroz, 408. Vila Rio Branco. São Paulo. SP. ZIP Code 03874-100 For those who are curious to know our route. ???? The State of São Paulo has 645 cities. We use data from the IBGE geographic division to guide us. According to the IBGE: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista_d... São Paulo is divided into 11 Intermediate Regions: 1 - São Paulo; ✔ 2 - Campinas; ✔ 3 - Sorocaba; ✔ 4 - São José dos Campos; ✔ 5 - Araraquara; ✔ 6 - Bauru; ✔ 7 - Marília; ✔ 8 - Presidente Prudente; ???? hot topic 9 - Araçatuba; 10 - São José do Rio Preto; 11 - Ribeirão Preto. Now, we are getting to know the 8th Intermediate Region: Presidente Prudente with 55 cities. This region is made up of 4 Immediate Regions: 1 - Presidente Prudente; ???? hot topic 2 - Presidente Epitácio/Presidente Venceslau; 3 - Dracena; 4 - Adamantina/Lucélia; This immediate region is made up of 28 cities: 1 - Quatá; ✔ 2 - João Ramalho; ✔ 3 - Rancharia; ✔ 4 - Iepê; ✔ 5 - Nantes; ✔ 6 - Narandiba; ✔ 7 - North Star; ✔ 8 - Sandovalina; ✔ 9 - Teodoro Sampaio; ✔ 10 - Euclides da Cunha Paulista; ✔ 11 - Rosana; ???? ball of the time 12 - Parapanema Viewpoint; 13 - Santo Anastácio; 14 - Ribeirão dos Índios; 15 - Emilianópolis; 16 - Santo Expedito; 17 - Alfredo Marcondes; 18 - Álvares Machado; 19 - Tarabai; 20 - Pirapozinho; 21 - Anhumas; 22 - Taciba; 23 - Regente Feijó; 24 - Indiana; 25 - Martinópolis; 26 - Caiabu; 27 - Presidente Prudente; 28 - Presidente Bernardes. The 11th city that we will present in this immediate region is: Rosana SP. Rosana is the 392nd city that we know in the State of São Paulo. There are 645 cities in the State of São Paulo, 253 to go! Come and discover the city of Rosana SP. To make it easier to follow the trips here at Nega, we separated the tours into seasons and for each season there is a playlist. Seasons: 1st Greater São Paulo; ✔ 2nd Campinas; ✔ 3rd Sorocaba; ✔ 4th Santos (South Coast); ✔ 5th São José dos Campos and North Coast; ✔ 6th Araraquara; ✔ 7th Bauru; ✔ 8th Marília; ✔ 9th Presidente Prudente; ???? hot topic 10th Araçatuba; 11th São José do Rio Preto; 12th Ribeirão Preto; 13th Capital of São Paulo. #rosana #citiesofbrazil #travelingthroughbrazil