Hello. This is Jeongwon:) This is the second part of the room tour that I took in New Jersey, USA!! Decorating plants with ribbons! And looking around the living room🌿 The living room and kitchen really felt like they came out of a drama! It was exotic because the structure of houses and interior design are different from ours! Please enjoy this room tour of furniture and plant life inside a house that you have never experienced before, even though it is in a different country! Thank you. 🌿Plants line up Monstera adansonii Anthurium andraeanum cv Anthurium Hedera helix Ivy Anthurium andraeanum cv Anthurium Philodendron 'Ring of Fire' Nephrolepis exaltata Boston fern Epipremnum aureum Ficus benjamina Variegata Benjamin rubber tree Ficus umbellata Whicus umberta Alocasia macrorrhizos Alocasia Ficus pumila Pumira Ceropegia Woodii Love chain Tillandsia ionantha Portulacaria afra var 'foliis variegatis' Calathea orbifolia Orbifolia #plantinterior #gardenplay #plantgrowing #plants #companionplants #verandagarden #verandagardening #plants #verandaplants #foodbutler