RE Professional Advisor Room Tour Video Sugita Tomomi Edition https://re.jp/tomomi-sugita-introduc... ◼︎Sugita Tomomi Lives in Tokyo. Lives in a two-family home with her husband, elementary school-aged son, and her husband's parents. stand.fm "I want to live a relaxed life♪" Updated daily https://stand.fm/channels/5f6c1c43f04... Instagram / t_home117 YouTube / @t_home117 We will be updating room tours of other professional advisors' homes one after another, so please subscribe to our channel and wait for them.ーーーーーーーーーーーーRE website https://re.jp/ ◼︎Affiliated RE professional advisors Notoya Eiri / eiriyyy_interior Sugita Tomomi / t_home117 Kishigami Nozomi / nozomi_kurashi Keacon / keaconhome Kawamura Akiko / akiko_fam Nagisa / nagisaworks Ando Hidemichi / hidemaroom Minami Sayaka / sayaka_minimal ーーーーーーーーーーーーー#re #RE professional advisor #single-family home #custom-built home #living #interior #organizing and storage advisor #organizing and storage #circulation flow #housework flow #room tour #roomtour