The comedy group “Em Pé na Rede” is a comedy group whose members are Victor Camejo, Osmar Campbell and Rominho Braga. Created in 2008, in Belém, in the state of Pará, it is the first comedy group created in that state. The group has had members such as Murilo Couto. Currently performing with the show “Comentando histórias”, where the group improvises and reacts to stories from guests. -------- ► SUPPORT: INSIDER ► Black Insider has started! Get up to 40% off using the coupon TICA15 #InsiderStore https://creators.insiderstore.com.br/... -------- -------- ► Become a member of this channel and get benefits: / / @ticaracaticast -------- ► Carioca Shows: https://linktr.ee/carioca1 -------- ► Ticaracaticast Cuts: / @TicaracaticastCortes -------- ► Ticaracaticast Networks: Instagram: @ticaracaticast Twitter: @ticaracaticast Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6EJUwYD... Facebook: / ticaracaticast Tik-Tok: / ticaracaticast -------- ► Presenters: Carioca - Instagram: @carioca Bola - Instagram: @chiesamarcos -------- ► Realization: Craudia Produções Artísticas Ltda. - All rights reserved