"CAP LAB ROKKO" was planned by CAP (Arts and Planning Council) at "Rokko Meets Art Art Walk 2023 Beyond". This video summarizes the various exhibitions that change with the seasons during this project. Cast: Norio Kawamura, Yuki Tsukiyama, Shoko Yamamura, Masami Shimizu (titles omitted) Planning/Editing/Music: Noa Kasai (Kobe University Faculty of International Human Sciences Global Studies Program) Cooperation: CAP (NPO Art and Planning Conference) Produced by: Kobe City Center for Overseas Migration and Cultural Exchange Filming date: September-November 2023 Production month: July 2024 “CAP LAB ROKKO” organized by CAP (The Conference on Art and Art Projects) in “Rokko Meets Art 2023 beyond”. This video summarizes the various exhibits that change with the season in this project. #OverseasMigrationAndCulturalExchangeCenter #MigrationCenter #ArtAndPlanningConference #CAP #KobeUniversityFacultyofInternationalHumanSciences #RokkoMeetsArt #caplabrokko #KawamuraHiroo #TsukiyamaYuki #YamamuraShoko #ShimizuMasa